The Tao of Josh
So, what do you believe?
About Me

- Josh Kruschke
- Austin, TX, United States
- Postings will be sporadic and on an as I feel like it basis.
Friday, January 26, 2018
New beginnings... Maybe?
I’m thinking of starting my blog back up again instead of just ranting on facebook.
Friday, May 11, 2012
From the I wish I had wrote this files…
Sometimes the Right,and in this case the Religious Right, can be just as authoritarian as the left.
Because, honestly, which traditional definition of marriage do we want our Constitution to protect?
...The one from Book of Genesis when family values meant multiple wives and concubines?
...Or the marriages of the Middle Ages when women were traded like cattle and weddings were too bawdy for church?
...Since this is America, should we preserve marriage as it existed in 1776 when arranged marriages were still commonplace?
...Or the traditions of 1850 when California became a state and marriage was customarily between one man and one woman-or-girl of age 11 and up?
...Or are we really seeking to protect a more modern vision of traditional marriage, say from the 1950s when it was illegal for whites to wed blacks or Hispanics?
...Or the traditional marriage of the late 1960s when couples were routinely excommunicated for marrying outside their faith?
Because, honestly, which traditional definition of marriage do we want our Constitution to protect?
...The one from Book of Genesis when family values meant multiple wives and concubines?
...Or the marriages of the Middle Ages when women were traded like cattle and weddings were too bawdy for church?
...Since this is America, should we preserve marriage as it existed in 1776 when arranged marriages were still commonplace?
...Or the traditions of 1850 when California became a state and marriage was customarily between one man and one woman-or-girl of age 11 and up?
...Or are we really seeking to protect a more modern vision of traditional marriage, say from the 1950s when it was illegal for whites to wed blacks or Hispanics?
...Or the traditional marriage of the late 1960s when couples were routinely excommunicated for marrying outside their faith?
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
The ones that think they know whats best are the ones you have got to watch.
This post from Borepatch got me to thinking about it's not just about "Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs" or even about "Mutts" It's the shepherds you really need to watch out for. Those people that feel they know what is best for the sheep even if it's being put into a lamb stew.
There is a feeling expressed by those who have been to the sharp end. That they see the wold clearer than most. Maybe so, but that doesn't give you the right to make me a slave to your will. Sheep are not free thay are the property of the sheperd, and he can do with them as he wills.
An out of control sheepdog is a symptom of an out of control shepherd, but the shepherd never gets the blame. Also, what happens to the sheepdog that hurts or kills a sheep?
The Thin Blue Line - the us vs. them crap needs to stop.
A lot of evil has been perpratrated with the justification of "This is for your own good!"
I did not join the millitary because it would make me special or beter than someone who didn't. People that become soldiers, firefighters, police officers are men and women that made a choice to do a job for reasons of theirown. If you joined one of these groups to become spiecial or join a brotherhood you need help.
Those that feel they have they right or the ability to take care of those around them are a danger to us all. I personaly have a hard enogh time keeping myown life in order; let alone trying to be responsible for all those around me. People need to first get and keep their own life in order before they even think about helping others.
A plea to all those in power if you actually feel qualified to make life choices for me put down your gun or legislative pen and back away slowly.
There is a feeling expressed by those who have been to the sharp end. That they see the wold clearer than most. Maybe so, but that doesn't give you the right to make me a slave to your will. Sheep are not free thay are the property of the sheperd, and he can do with them as he wills.
An out of control sheepdog is a symptom of an out of control shepherd, but the shepherd never gets the blame. Also, what happens to the sheepdog that hurts or kills a sheep?
The Thin Blue Line - the us vs. them crap needs to stop.
A lot of evil has been perpratrated with the justification of "This is for your own good!"
I did not join the millitary because it would make me special or beter than someone who didn't. People that become soldiers, firefighters, police officers are men and women that made a choice to do a job for reasons of theirown. If you joined one of these groups to become spiecial or join a brotherhood you need help.
Those that feel they have they right or the ability to take care of those around them are a danger to us all. I personaly have a hard enogh time keeping myown life in order; let alone trying to be responsible for all those around me. People need to first get and keep their own life in order before they even think about helping others.
A plea to all those in power if you actually feel qualified to make life choices for me put down your gun or legislative pen and back away slowly.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The most insidious form of Tyranny..... done in the name of Liberty.
Longer post to follow. It's still percolating in my head.
Longer post to follow. It's still percolating in my head.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
It can't happen here! We're America!
You (the you in general) can justify anything with the words, "It's for your own good/protection."
Decisions made out of fear are rarely good decisions.
My last name is Kruschke. Pronounced Crewsshh-ka, but I've never pronounced it that way. I pronounce it Crush-key. My grandad Thought that it would be a good idea if it sounded more American during WWII.
If you don't think it can happen in the U.S., think again.
Decisions made out of fear are rarely good decisions.
My last name is Kruschke. Pronounced Crewsshh-ka, but I've never pronounced it that way. I pronounce it Crush-key. My grandad Thought that it would be a good idea if it sounded more American during WWII.
If you don't think it can happen in the U.S., think again.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
A man and a women do not a family make.
Because with out loving discipline all you have is a group of arguing bickering idiots.
Family members loving and supporting one another to be the best me possible.
Whether or not the family parental figures are male male, female female, male female, or a single parent.
With out love any one of those combinations suck.
Because with out loving discipline all you have is a group of arguing bickering idiots.
Family members loving and supporting one another to be the best me possible.
Whether or not the family parental figures are male male, female female, male female, or a single parent.
With out love any one of those combinations suck.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Weak / Strong
There are Strong and Weak people in this world. I'm talking in ability and skills, i.e., we all have our strengths and weakness.
One side believes that we should help the weaker among us become stronger. This way they can compete and hold their own.
The other side believes we should place limits on and weaken the strong, so that they can't take advantage of those weaker than them.
One side weakens the whole, and the other side strengthens the whole.
One side believes that we should help the weaker among us become stronger. This way they can compete and hold their own.
The other side believes we should place limits on and weaken the strong, so that they can't take advantage of those weaker than them.
One side weakens the whole, and the other side strengthens the whole.
Friday, October 7, 2011
A difference noticed between protests and rallies.
Protests are usually a force of destruction, to stop something or pulling something down.
Rallies are usually a force for coming together, for rebuilding and recharging.
A difference in mindset.
Rallies are usually a force for coming together, for rebuilding and recharging.
A difference in mindset.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
What someone does will tell you who they are.
Someone wiser than me said, "What you believe is not what you say you believe, but what you actualy do."
Now I just need to remember who.
Now I just need to remember who.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
If you say you are for limited government and liberty and then run to the government everytime some one or group doesn't do what you want or approve of (to forces them in line), do you have any?
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Where the Founders went wrong....
with the US Constitution.
They allowed the US Constitution to be defined out side of itself.
They should of been implicit and clear within the document as to what was intended.
Leaving it up to an outside court or the Federalist Papers to inform us, the people, what was intended.... mmmmmm not such a goog idea.
All that was needed to destroy The Constitusion was to change in the publics eye and in the courts what it means.
My 2 cents,
They allowed the US Constitution to be defined out side of itself.
They should of been implicit and clear within the document as to what was intended.
Leaving it up to an outside court or the Federalist Papers to inform us, the people, what was intended.... mmmmmm not such a goog idea.
All that was needed to destroy The Constitusion was to change in the publics eye and in the courts what it means.
My 2 cents,
Friday, September 23, 2011
I keep hearing, "That if we don't kick Obama out of office The Republic is dead."
This is crap. Not that he isn't doing a lot of damage, but let's look at it this way, "Who would of been president if he would had of lost the first time?"
Answer, John McCain.
We (the country and Tea Party) would still be a sleep; No Tea Party, No public debate on *the debt* or returning to founding principles and limited government. Just some of us still bitching at big spending RINO Republicans and getting shit on by our own party.
If Mit or Perry do win, are they going to talk a good game while still growing government to further political ambitions? Just slowing the bus down on it's trip over the cliff.
Are we going to go back to sleep thinking we have won?
I would rather have Obama in office than some RINO Populist.
I would rather control the Senate & House than the Presidency.
My 2cents,
This is crap. Not that he isn't doing a lot of damage, but let's look at it this way, "Who would of been president if he would had of lost the first time?"
Answer, John McCain.
We (the country and Tea Party) would still be a sleep; No Tea Party, No public debate on *the debt* or returning to founding principles and limited government. Just some of us still bitching at big spending RINO Republicans and getting shit on by our own party.
If Mit or Perry do win, are they going to talk a good game while still growing government to further political ambitions? Just slowing the bus down on it's trip over the cliff.
Are we going to go back to sleep thinking we have won?
I would rather have Obama in office than some RINO Populist.
I would rather control the Senate & House than the Presidency.
My 2cents,
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Bureaucracy Defined
If insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results, then...
A bureaucracy is defined as where you fix multi-dysfunctional systems by adding another overarching layer.
Government Insanity.
A bureaucracy is defined as where you fix multi-dysfunctional systems by adding another overarching layer.
Government Insanity.
FEMA a study in what not to do.
Does this make any sense?
"Now here's where the bureaucratic red tape comes in. Under FEMA regulations, the tornado shelters are considered "temporary" -- only necessary while the schools are being repaired and the students are in the trailers. When the schools are rebuilt or repaired, FEMA rules state that the federal government has to get rid of the shelters.
That can happen three ways:
1) The schools can buy the shelter from FEMA (about $375,000);
2) The schools can find a buyer;
3) If neither 1) nor 2) is feasible, FEMA will give the schools more taxpayer money to demolish the shelter and haul away the debris."
"Now here's where the bureaucratic red tape comes in. Under FEMA regulations, the tornado shelters are considered "temporary" -- only necessary while the schools are being repaired and the students are in the trailers. When the schools are rebuilt or repaired, FEMA rules state that the federal government has to get rid of the shelters.
That can happen three ways:
1) The schools can buy the shelter from FEMA (about $375,000);
2) The schools can find a buyer;
3) If neither 1) nor 2) is feasible, FEMA will give the schools more taxpayer money to demolish the shelter and haul away the debris."
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Shhhh..... I'm going to tell you a secret....
Come closer... a little more.
Can you hear me.... of course you can't; I'm typing this.
Ok, here goes, the secret to life is... a little forethought, self-discipline and action.
Now go forth be happy and multiply!!!
This has been a TToJ Public Service Announcement.
Can you hear me.... of course you can't; I'm typing this.
Ok, here goes, the secret to life is... a little forethought, self-discipline and action.
Now go forth be happy and multiply!!!
This has been a TToJ Public Service Announcement.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Evangelistic Atheist Piss Me Off.
As one atheist to another, shut the f*** up. I really hate when someone tries to push their beliefs onto others.
This pisses me off.
It would be something if 'they' made it mandatory that you had to stop and prey in front of it, now that would be something.
Why or what makes Dave Silverman think he has any moral authority to even have an opinion as to what goes on at or into the 9/11 memorial. Is he part of the 9/11 families or one of the 9/11 emergency workers? If not, shut the f*** up.
I really wish people would go and look at what Thomas Jefferson actualy said about a wall between church and state.
Atheist like to quote what is called "The Establishment Clause" - "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." But, they conveniently forget the next part of the First Anendment, "...or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
Dave are you saying that religious people can't apply for government grants? Should we then take out all religious references in the Smithsonian? Are you trying to censor what happened after 9/11? Just because you don't agree with what some religious people did after 9/11 doesn't give you the right to negate what they did. As soon as you limit, because of government involvement, when and where someone can prey or practice their religion you are using the government to prohibit the free exercising thereof. Just as the government has no business tell you when to practice or not practice religion, neither is it any of yours.
This pisses me off.
It would be something if 'they' made it mandatory that you had to stop and prey in front of it, now that would be something.
Why or what makes Dave Silverman think he has any moral authority to even have an opinion as to what goes on at or into the 9/11 memorial. Is he part of the 9/11 families or one of the 9/11 emergency workers? If not, shut the f*** up.
I really wish people would go and look at what Thomas Jefferson actualy said about a wall between church and state.
Atheist like to quote what is called "The Establishment Clause" - "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..." But, they conveniently forget the next part of the First Anendment, "...or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."
Dave are you saying that religious people can't apply for government grants? Should we then take out all religious references in the Smithsonian? Are you trying to censor what happened after 9/11? Just because you don't agree with what some religious people did after 9/11 doesn't give you the right to negate what they did. As soon as you limit, because of government involvement, when and where someone can prey or practice their religion you are using the government to prohibit the free exercising thereof. Just as the government has no business tell you when to practice or not practice religion, neither is it any of yours.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
My take on Personal Responsibility again.
Note: This is a repost of one of my first posts. I have edited it and placed somethings in bold.
What is Personal Responsibility? To me these words mean taking ownership of ones own actions. I will not expect nor is it anyone else’s duty to take care of me! I will not whine or blame others if things do not go as I plan.
What is Personal Responsibility? To me these words mean taking ownership of ones own actions. I will not expect nor is it anyone else’s duty to take care of me! I will not whine or blame others if things do not go as I plan.
The first responsibility of the individual is to oneself, now this might sound selfish to some, but if you think about it; it’s really not. If you take care of yourself first you’re not a burden on your family, society or anyone else, and you can help others in times of need. Now this doesn’t mean putting yourself first at the expense of others.
Let me give you an order of importance to the responsibilities in your life. Your first responsibility is to your self then family, friends, acquaintances, local community and the world at large.
Now you might be asking why family isn’t first. Let’s say you put your family first and give everything to the family. Say a family member needs some money, so you just go into debt to get the money, because you’re not worried about yourself. Now you get so far in debt that you can’t pay your own bills. You are now a burden to your family.
If you had kept your responsibility to yourself in minded, and said, “How can I help this family member support himself, so we can both prosper?” You would be keeping this principle in mind.
So, if the individual is strong then our families, friends, acquaintances, the local community and the world at large will be strong.
Now there are things that happen that are out of our control. Let’s say, a natural disaster comes along and destroys my house. It’s not everyone responsibility to insure that I get my life back exactly like it was before. It is my responsibility to plan for the future and part of that future is uncertainty and Mother-Nature. It’s my responsibility to ask myself, “What could happen and what should I do if it does?” and plan accordantly.
We can band together to help each other start over, but it’s not mandatory. I do believe in teamwork. You wouldn’t ask a teammate to do something and then stand around doing nothing with your handout? Teams work together to accomplish something for the benefit of the group. If, you do have to accept someone’s help don’t fall into the trap of always relying on others. You should try to do things yourself first and if you really can’t do something then ask for help; while still doing what you can yourself. You will be surprised at what you can accomplish on your own. No freeloading, after you recover from what ever you needed help with pay those who helped you back in full; plus a little extra. There should be no free rides.
If you do rely on the government and others to take care of you, you are weakening are society, because you will put-off doing things waiting for someone else to take care of them.
So, if something bad happens pick your self up, dust yourself off and start building your life over.
There are no guaranties in life, so plan accordingly.
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