When you allow the government to give you your rights on a whim don't act surprised when they take them away on a whim.
There's a Guy named Travis Corcoran (Blogs under the name TJIC), he has a comic book website
Heavy Ink Comics, a blog
Dispatches from TJICistan, and another website
SmartFlix.com where he rents instructional videos.
The only reason I know about this guy is that some of the blogs I follow have taken up for him and provided links to his story. They have asked anyone and everyone to put up picture with statement "I am TJIC".
"I am not TJIC" as I would not ask anyone to just make a silly statement if support, but I would put out a call to action in helping me defend my rights all the way to the Supreme Court if needed. Another reason I will not be using the "I am TJIC" picture is because you do realize the "I am Sparticus" line was a last bit of defiance after they had already fought the good fight and where about to get crucified? If you are going to have a rallying cry or call to battle it needs to be a call to action, but as I can't think of anything better I might break down and put it up.
TJIC mad some controversial statements and got his guns taken from him. He did this in Massachusetts where you need a permit to own a gun and his permit was revoked. This is an infringement on his 1st & 2nd Amendment rights. I've said this elsewhere; Everyone seems to me to be under the impression that his Second Amendment was violated when they took his guns from him. No, he gave up his right to his guns when he consented to the condition of owner ship being that a permit was need to lawfuly own a gun and said permit was issued at the whim of the government.
He or any of us should not be surprised if at the whim of the government said permit should be revoked.
I will ask you to look into suporting and to patronize his shops; as, some have started a boycott.
I'm not sure how far he's going to take this in the courts. I would like this to go as far as possible, and I will do what I can to help.
I'm not big on whining, "Less talking, More doing," is what I like to say.
Final draft.